+233 24 863 6324

Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm


P. O. Box 15, Anum. Eastern Region


Apexlink (i-Trans) Money Transfer is a domestic funds transfer product that enables the transfer of funds to individuals (relatives, business partners, students etc) from one community to another within Ghana using the network of rural/community banks. This fund transfer from one location to another within Ghana through ARB APEX BANK with the aid of rural banks network has proven to be safe, reliable and convenient to individuals, traders, businessmen etc. You can access Apex Link transfer across all the agencies of Anum Rural Bank PLC as Customer and non customer.

Walk into Anum Rural Bank or any Rural Bank, Apex Bank office or any of our branch networks with ApexLink outlets and transfer money to love ones at village, town or city in Ghana. The beneficiary would be received within a matter of minutes. You may or may not be an account holder with Anum Rural bank PLC.

With Apex link i-deposit, you can deposit money directly into the bank account of your any one in Ghana.

  • Low commission charges
  • Convenient to clients.
  • Convenient to clients
  • Personal ID Card
  • Fill out a form from the bank.
  • Receipt issued to customers to cover the transaction